Regular Meeting – March 1, 2016


I.           CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Bill Britton at 1000 hrs.  Members present:  Arden Potter, Larry Helsley, and Mike Williams.  Members absent: George Owen. Others present: Chief Frank DeNatale, Scott Alvord, Jim Underwood, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina. 



A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2016 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC Helsley/Potter to approve the consent agenda as presented.


III.       HONORING OF JAMES M. UNDERWOOD ESQ: Honoring him for his service to the Weaverville Fire Protection District- Chairman, Bill Britton spoke of the service Mr. Underwood has provided, and the value to the District.  Mr. Underwood was presented with a WFD jacket.



A. Discuss/Approve, Closing statements for the Annual Audit of 2014/2015 – Board reviewed and discussed the packet and letter from Jeanne Hodge CPA.  The clerk was advised to spend the money on QuickBooks classes due to her uncertainty of it fitting into a District instead of a business. Discussion on Annual Audit for this fall.

MSC Williams/Potter to approve the closing statements for the Annual Audit of 2014/2015


B. Discuss/Approve OES Water Tender situation- DeNatale spoke of the letter and options given to WFPD.  Discussion on lack of use if implemented in the manner of the contract, and dangers of no familiarity with the rig if not used on a regular basis. Discussion on training, local use, benefits if used locally, if it is needed and other options. 

MSC Potter/Williams to approve to draft a letter from the Board with concerns and one more option, and to send it to OES Officers, and Legislators.


C.  Discuss/Approve purchasing of a replacement AED – Budget impact $2,150.00 – The AED went missing, need to replace it.  Looked into Homeland Security grants to replace it, did not work out.

MSC Williams/Helsley to approve purchasing a replacement AED, not to exceed $2,150.00.


D. Discuss/Approve dedicating/naming Weaverville Fire Museum after Richard C. Berrien – Discussion on Mr. Berrien’s commitment and excellence for the past several years, having a sign made, and a ceremony.

MSC Helsley/Potter to approve dedicating/naming the Weaverville Fire Museum after Richard C. Berrien.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief DeNatale reported on Title III, waiting for the County to sign the contract.  Can do burning, and will meet with Andy regarding the Hazard Reduction mapping.   

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:   

·        Fire 1 series finished, in March series 2 begins

·        Emergency response directive OES

·        Fire drill at the Health Department

·        Inspection at the Health Department

·        Going to do a walkthrough at the Lumber Mill

·        Rotary Club meeting went well

·        Fire Control 3

·        OFS – no trespassing signs put up, some damaged

·        Policy and procedure for security of Station one and Dorms

·        SCBA bottles tested

·        Installed some smoke detectors

·        S-230 Engine Boss class completed


C.    Fire Department Report: Equipment is running well.  

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Station 2 is vacant – will clean and paint. Jon getting settled in and doing well.         

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No report.

·        Collection Committee: No report

·        Contract Committee: No report

·        Tuition Committee: No report

·        Budget Committee:  Had a mid-year review.  Will meet for Preliminary Budget in May.

·        Financial Committee: (Williams, Potter, Guglielmina) Met and still looking into it.  

F.     Director Reports: Williams – Jon got some ladder training at the Congregational Church.  Helsley- Wants to have a presentation for Mr. Berrien when the sign is made (take off the next agenda).  Still looking for someone to take over the overseeing of the museum.  Federal surplus for Water Tender, Cal Fire updates, and amend local ordinances.                                                  


VI.                      PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. 

VII.     CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk –reported that SDRMA gave a longevity check and the SDRMA worker’s compensation has reduced dramatically.  Alvord reported a generous donation to the Department from the class of 1975.

VIII.  ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1115 hrs.     





__________________________                                    __________________________

   George Owen, Vice-Chairman                                               Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board